Contact the Board

Board of Trustees

Phone: 352-273-0569 | Fax: 352-846-3124

Regular Correspondence:
Office of the Board of Trustees
226 Tigert Hall; PO Box 113150, Gainesville, FL 32611-3150

Legal Correspondence (including but not limited to certified mail, legal notifications):
Office of the General Counsel
attention: Board of Trustees
123 Tigert Hall; PO Box 113125, Gainesville, FL 32611-3125

Public Comment

The University of Florida Board of Trustees is committed to promoting transparency and opportunity for public comment regarding the governance of the University of Florida. The regular form of communication with the Board (by members of the faculty, staff, students, and the general public) is either by electronic means or in writing. However, the board sets aside time during full board meetings for members of the public who wish to be heard regarding an action item on the current meeting agenda.

A request to speak during the public comment portion of a Board meeting must be submitted to Office of the Board of Trustees no later than two business days or forty-eight hours in advance of the full board meeting scheduled. Speakers must specify the action item on the current agenda they wish to speak. A group of individuals wishing to address the Board on a common proposition will designate a representative to speak on its behalf to ensure the orderly presentation of information to the Board.

Individuals and representatives of groups will be allotted three minutes; however, this time limit may be extended or shortened (at the discretion of the Chair) depending upon the number of speakers. Only one speaker will be permitted to speak at a time. You must be present when your name is called to speak. If you are not present you forgo your opportunity to address the Board at that meeting. You may not designate someone else to speak in your place.

The University will determine whether the item will be heard and when it will be heard. There will be a 3 minute time limit on any presentation. The Board may decline to hear any matter determined not to relate to a particular action item or that is outside the Board’s jurisdiction.

Contact to Submit a Request for Public Comment

The Board of Trustees Office is open from at 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Emailed, faxed, hand-delivered, or U.S.-mailed requests must be received no later than the due date listed, at one of the means below:

Office of the Board of Trustees
226 Tigert Hall; PO Box 113150, Gainesville, FL 32611-3150 | Tel: 352-273-0569 | Fax: 352-846-3124